Collective Bargaining Tentative Agreement Reached (March 2023)

Joint Statement between the School Board of Seminole County and the Seminole Education Association, Inc.
Serita D. Beamon, Superintendent and Dan Smith, President SEA
In the spirit of cooperation, the School Board of Seminole County and the Seminole Education Association, Inc. are pleased to announce that the parties have tentatively agreed to contract language and compensation.
- Recurring salary increases for the 2022-2023 school year are as follows:
- Highly Effective - $2,441.47
- Effective - $1,997.57
- Grandfather - $1,997.57
- Increase the beginning teacher salary and all teacher salaries to a minimum of $48,500.00.
- All salary increases will be retroactive to beginning of current contract year.
- All teachers at Title I served schools will receive a $100.00 supplement.
- For the 2022-2023 school year, employees with 10 years or more of verified experience as defined below, will receive $50 for each year of experience.
- Eligible active employees will receive a one-time retention bonus to be paid to employees based on total verified work-related experience with SCPS. Additionally, employees may receive credit for up to ten (10) years of other verified public school instructional (teaching) experience outside of SCPS.
Additional details of the agreement will be included in the ratification packet that will be available to teachers the week of March 20th. The School Board and the Seminole Education Association, Inc. extend their appreciation to those who made contributions to a positive and productive bargaining process and look forward to the continuing partnership as we build upon the excellence of Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS).