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English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Free & Reduced Meal Application
Seminole County Virtual School is a public school with SCPS serving grades K-12. SCVS is a franchise of FLVS.
Students can take courses as part-time students at any time while being enrolled at their home/zoned school. If you are interested in part-time, you do not need to complete the enrollment process. Contact your counselor in order to add virtual courses to your schedule.
Complete the full-time enrollment packet online with Enrollment windows happen two times per year. Please see for specific dates for enrollment. Students can only enroll during these dates.
Once SCVS has contacted you with next steps, please proceed to Step 2.
For current SCPS students, once you have attended a virtual orientation, please withdraw from your home/zone school by contacting them and letting them know that you are withdrawing to SCVS. Your enrollment process ends here.
For new students to SCPS, continue to STEP 3.
Registration Requirements (English)
Requisitos de Inscripción (en Español)
SCPS is conducting online enrollment for ALL schools. New enrollment must be done through the online system.
Please gather the required documentation in the Student Registration Requirements above.
If you are a new family or do not have a Skyward Family Access account, begin the account setup process.
If you are an existing Seminole County Public School family and already have a Family Access account, please log in.
For step-by-step instructions and FAQs, visit the Online Enrollment page.
If you are in need of assistance in scanning documents or completing your online application, please contact your school:
Elementary School Contact Information | Middle School Contact Information | High School Contact Information
Please note, enrollment assistance occurs in the schools, not at the Education Support Center.
Please contact the SCVS at 407-871-7287 or at