To request a public or student record through Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS), please review the information provided below. All public records requests should be submitted to Carolyn Bedsole,
Rate Schedule
Rates for Copying and Service Charges for Public Records Requests
Date of Board Adoption: December 19, 2017
The following fees will be charged to individuals and non-governmental agencies requesting copies of the public records maintained by the School Board of Seminole County, Florida. (School Board Policy - 3.50 - Public Information, Inspection and Copying of Public Records):
- $0.15/copy for one-sided copies of not more than 14 inches by 8.5 inches.
- $0.20/copy for two-sided copies not more than 14 inches by 8.5 inches.
- For all other copies, the actual cost of duplication of the public record.
- When extensive clerical or administrator time is involved in retrieving the requested records and/or the request for copies is extensive (extensive time is more than fifteen (15) minutes), the assigned clerical and/or administrator's gross hourly rate will be charged in addition to the per page charge for copies.
- When extensive programming is required to collect public records, the district assigned programmer's gross hourly rate must be charged in addition to the per page charge for copies.
- $1.00 per certified copy, in addition to the per page charge.
- $5.00/copy of School Board meetings in the digital format.
- $10.00/transcript for alumni requesting his/her transcript. Current students of the School Board of Seminole County, Florida are not charged for transcripts.
- $20.00/transcript for other requestors.
- $20.00 for education verification.
(No charge for postage if pre-addressed/pre-stamped mailer is provided when delivery by mail is requested.)
Student Records Request Form