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Robin Dehlinger retired from SCPS in 2022 after 34 years serving the district as a high school history teacher at Lake Mary HS, assistant principal at Teague MS and South Seminole MS, principal at South Seminole and Lawton Chiles Middle Schools and as an assistant superintendent. Prior to employment with the district, Dr. Dehlinger worked for 6 years with the Diocese of Orlando, teaching at St. James, St. Mary Magdalen and Bishop Moore HS. Dr. Dehlinger decided to run for the School Board to put her experience to work in support of the district and public education. As a passionate advocate, Dr. Dehlinger supports open communication and engagement with parents and the community and innovation in program development to meet the challenges ahead for school districts in Florida.
Dr. Dehlinger earned a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of Texas, and a master’s degree in Educational Leadership and doctorate in Educational Research, Technology and Leadership from the University of Central Florida. Dr. Dehlinger worked with the school district to achieve unitary status, supported the development of reading, math and civics curriculum initiatives and served on the district’s Discipline Committee and Insurance Committee for many years. As an assistant superintendent, Dr. Dehlinger supervised the district’s 12 middle schools and 20 elementary schools.
Dr. Dehlinger and her husband, Charlie, have been married for 48 years and have lived in Seminole County since 1976. Charlie has practiced law in Seminole County for almost 50 years. Their three children graduated from Lake Mary HS and their oldest grandson graduated from Lyman HS. Their younger grandchildren attend SCPS elementary schools. Dr. Dehlinger is looking forward to working with staff, students, parents and the community to support the continued success of Seminole County Public Schools and the opportunities and access it provides for all students!