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Job Experience Training

Job Experience Training (JET)

Job Experience Training.Job Experience Training (JET) provides students with the opportunity to receive real life work experience in a variety of business settings.

What is JET?

JET is an unpaid career exploration course where students get to work at a variety of job sites under the supervision of a Job Coach and Transition Resource Teacher. They work on hour and forty-five minutes every day and then rotate to a new site at the end of each nine weeks. Transportation is provided to and from the job site by a county school bus.

JET Flyer (pdf)

Our Purpose

  • a JET student.Students: They receive real life work experience from a variety of jobs, refining their skills alongside actual employees so they can make informed career decisions after graduating high school.
  • Employers: They have the ability to train and mold potential employees who are already familiar with store procedure.
  • The Community: Is afforded financially independent, skilled individuals who will become contributing members of society.

Be part of a great and fulfilling community experience - helping the future workforce

Interested in becoming a future JET site?

Please contact one of our TRTs.