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Project Search

Project Search

Program Vision

Project SEARCH at Advent Health - Altamonte Springs and Apopka provides the opportunity for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to obtain employability skills training and potential competitive employment. Interns are trained at a business site and do not attend classes at their high school. To be selected for one of the programs, the students must desire and plan to work in the community by the conclusion of the school year, be a client of Vocational Rehabilitation, and have requested to defer their diploma (meeting all necessary academic requirements). 

Program Overview

Interns will be enrolled in their high school in Career Experience/7980120PS. The interns will not have to go to their high schools. Interns will participate at the worksite and will be taking Access Lynx to and from. Interns will increase employability skills and develop strong work ethic through hands-on work experience at Advent Health. They have fulfilled high school credits necessary for graduation with a Standard Diploma – Access Points, deferred receipt of their diploma and are 18 – 21 years of age. Interns go directly to the business site where they participate in a one-hour daily meeting and the remainder of the (school day) will receive intense hands-on experience under the guidance of a teacher and an employment specialist. Emphasis will be given to self-determination and employability training to help acquire skills necessary to gain and maintain employment.

Enrollment Eligibility

Students must be 18-21 years of age, graduated with a Standard Diploma via Access Points and deferred receipt of the diploma. Students must also reside in Seminole County, be enrolled as a student, and a client of Vocational Rehabilitation (Category 1, Supported Employment).


1 SCPS Transition Resource teacher; 1 Employment Specialist or Job Coach

Calendar and Work Hours

Follows SCPS school calendar for days off; no early release Wednesday. Work day is from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm.


Access Lynx - paratransit for Orange, Osceola, and Seminole Counties. Application and evaluation will be need to be completed.


Blue PS polo, black business casual pants, black belt, tall (crew length) black socks, and black non-skid shoes

If your intern gets cold easily, recommendation is a long sleeve black or white shirt without writing or logos. A black sweater or jacket without a hood or logos.

Application Process

High School graduates (deferred diploma ages 18-21) apply and interview in the second semester. Transition Resource teachers can provide applications. Prior to the end of the school year, participants are announced for the upcoming school year. 

Project SEARCH Application (.docx)