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Enrollment Resources

School Zones & Requirements

All families are zoned to a K - 12 school based on their residential address. Please see the School Zone Search.

Please review the Registration Requirements (Spanish).

School Choice Options

Interested in a magnet program, transfer option or controlled open enrollment?

Visit Student Assignment & Program Access

K-12 Enrollment

Current Pre-Kindergarten students advancing to Kindergarten for the following school year contact your school for instructions. Acceptance into one of our VPK program sites is not automatic enrollment in your preferred elementary school for kindergarten. ALL parents MUST enroll their student in their zoned elementary school or apply to the school of choice during the kindergarten application/enrollment period. 
Current K - 12 students advancing to the next grade level (1-12) do not need to re-enroll for the next grade level at the same school nor transitioning to the zoned secondary school.
New to Seminole County
Enrolling in Grades K-12
  1. Check your school zone.

  2. Complete a New Student Enrollment: Account Request
  3. New Student Enrollment: Application Form

Please contact the zoned school for enrollment assistance.

Skyward New Student Online Enrollment Guide for Parents

Returning to
Seminole County
  1. Check your school zone.
  2. Returning in less than 1 Calendar Year? Complete the District Relocation Form and submit it to your assigned school along with your required documentation.
  3. Returning after 1 Calendar Year? Please complete the New Student Enrollment: Application Form.

Contact student's last SCPS school of enrollment for Skyward Family Assistance.

Current SCPS Families
Enrolling a New Student

Log in to Skyward Family Access and select the "New Student Online Enrollment" tab to begin the new student application process.

Please contact your current school for Skyward assistance.

Transfer Within
Seminole County

Moving within Seminole County: Grades 1 - 12 contact your school for a District Relocation Form and instructions.

Interested in a magnet program, transfer option or controlled open enrollment? Contact the Student Assignment & Program Access Department.