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e pathways.

Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) created ePathways as a symbol of its commitment that high school graduates will leave our district with meaningful diplomas and a clear pathway to high-demand, high-wage employment. SCPS graduates will have both a broad understanding of careers and enough exploration of specific interests to have a clear plan for their future.

e pathways provides customized learning opportunities that allow our students to be prepared for competitive 21st Century work.

Think back to your childhood aspirations. Did you dream of becoming an engineer or working as a chef in an exclusive restaurant? Perhaps, a helicopter pilot for the Coast Guard was on the list. At an early age, we are asked what we want to be when we grow up and that’s how the “what’s your e?” question begins. 

A diagram showing the path through middle and high school and after high school, including employment, enlistment, and enrollment.

Middle School Experiences

Middle School Experiences: Three blue puzzle pieces fit together, representing career exploration, understanding options, and learning about credentials.A blue arrow pointing down indicating moving on to the next topic

A pie chart showing the breakdown of different career pathways, including internships, industry certifications, career dual enrollment, pre-apprenticeships, and work-based learning.

High School Credentials

Strategically building credentials creates more opportunities for the individual and a stronger workforce pipeline.

A blue arrow pointing downwards.

Students may have multiple “e” pathways or change “e” pathways.

A graphic with the text 'What's Your e followed by the words 'Employment', 'Enlistment', and 'Enrollment'.

Resource & School Choice Guide 2024-25

What's Your e?Recognizing the exploration of a student’s e at every level, K-12, is the goal of ePathways. Whether it’s through enrollment, employment or enlistment, ePathways is a symbol of our commitment to encourage all students to explore multiple paths and interests throughout their education to build a foundation to a clearer plan for their future. 

With the support of parents, families, school personnel and members of the community, students will witness the full scope of opportunity that exists beginning in elementary school, continuing through middle school, culminating in high school and preparing our students for a promising future. 

What’s Your e? We invite you to explore our site, learn more about Career and Technical Education and discover all that ePathways has to offer.

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