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Research Permission Request

Research Permission Request

Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) supports the pursuit of scholarly research on methods and practices that contribute to a rich teaching and learning environment in SCPS. We are particularly supportive of research projects undertaken by SCPS teachers and administrators who are completing courses,masters' theses, and dissertations as part of advanced programs of study. We recognize that the pursuit of well-planned studies involving teaching practice and factors impacting the learning of students are important to our continued growth as a learning organization. In order to protect the privacy of students and the primacy of instructional time in our schools, however, we require that all interested parties, including SCPS employees, wishing to carry out external research projects within SCPS complete the Research Permission Request form.

Please email your completed Research Permission form and all required documentation to Grace Gonzalez, Please feel free to email Ms. Gonzalez if you have any further questions.

Research Permission Requests are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Upon receipt of a completed packet of information, please allow four (4) weeks for review. A letter of approval/denial will be emailed to the address listed on the Research Permission Request form after completion of the review.