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School Bus Safety

School Bus Safety

Although school buses are the safest means of ground transportation, safety should still be a priority for the children walking to and from the school bus stops, and for the motorists who must share the road with buses. There are a variety of simple things that children, parents and drivers can do to make this a safe school year for Seminole County Public School (SCPS) students.

School Bus Safety Tips For Children

  • Walk safely to the bus stop and stay three giant steps away from the street.

  • While waiting for the school bus, stay away from the street and private property.

  • When your school bus arrives, never move toward the bus until the doors open.

  • Stay in your seat until the bus stops and the driver opens the door.

  • Be quiet, especially at railroad crossings and follow the driver's directions.

  • Stay in your seat until the bus stops and the driver opens the door.

  • Avoid strangers while waiting for the bus and never go anywhere with them.

School Bus Safety Tips For Motorist

  • Drivers in school zones must obey reduced speed limits during school hours and remember that speeding fines are doubled.

  • On two-lane roads and divided highways without an unpaved space of 5 feet or more or physical barrier, vehicles must stop in all directions upon approaching any school bus, which displays a stop signal and may not pass the bus until the signal has been withdrawn.

  • Drivers should be aware that school buses make stops at all railroad crossings.

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