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Parent & Family Engagement

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Title I and Parent/Family Engagement in Education

Parent & Family Engagement - Title I

Seminole County Public Schools receives an annual allocation of federal dollars to provide supplemental resources for students and families at schools that have high percentages of families who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. (Federal and state law determines how Title I funds are allocated to eligible schools and programs.) Currently, 16 elementary schools, five middle schools, five special centers, one charter school and 13 non-public schools are receiving supplemental resources which may include additional staff, supplementary instructional materials, and funds for parent/family events and activities.

Parent & Family Engagement Policy

Parent/Family involvement in a student's education is critical to student success. When parents, teachers and school administrators work cohesively to support the student experience, students are more likely to have higher grades and test scores, attend school regularly, have better social skills, show improved behavior, and adapt well to school. Seminole County Public Schools' Title I Program promotes the belief that all children can learn and acknowledges that families share the schools' commitment to educational success for all students. We recognize that participation of parents in regular, two-way and meaningful communications with school staff that involves the student, addresses learning and engages the family in school activities is essential to student achievement. Please look for information from your child's school and on the district website about opportunities for you to be involved in your child's education.

The district's commitment to supporting and encouraging parents to become more involved in their child's education is described in detail in the Program section of the SCPS Policy Manual.  It is also available for immediate review at SCPS Parent and Family Engagement Policy.

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions to improve the policy, please contact Jana Kranz, Specialist-Title I Parent/Family Engagement, at or 407-320-0341.

Parent & Family Engagement Plans

A Parent & Family Engagement Plan (PFEP) is available for review on each Title I school's website and in the Title I binder in the school office. The PFEP reflects the purpose of parent and family engagement and lists the activities the school plans to provide to increase family members' ability to support their child(ren) academically. Parents and family members are encouraged to be involved in the annual review of the PFEP and to provide suggested revisions and input regarding the types of activities/events that would most help parents and family members reinforce instruction from home.

School-Home Compact

Each Title I school, in conjunction with the parents of participating students, develops a School-Home Compact that describes the school's responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment. The compact also addresses the importance of ongoing communication between teachers and parents, describes the ways in which each parent will be responsible for supporting their child's learning, and is discussed with parents of elementary-aged students. Please visit the website for your child's school to view the PFEP and School-Home Compact.

What is the "Parents'-Right-to-Know"?

Federal law requires that schools notify parents if their child has been assigned to, or taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who is not state-certified. Parents may also request information about the professional qualifications of their child's classroom teacher or the paraprofessionals who provide academic supports for their child. Learn more about the Parents' Right-to-Know.