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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

 We have split custody with our children. How do we get transportation to both homes?

There are several qualifications for transportation to be provided to two different households:

  • Both parent’s addresses must be updated in Skyward.
  • Both parents must reside in the zone for the school of attendance (unless the student is attending a magnet school).
  • The school must have a copy of the parenting plan.
  • The parent must notify the school who will create a request for transportation.

 I have updated my address with the school. How will it take to get a route assigned?

Once the address is updated in Skyward, it will take up to 24 hours for the App to be updated.

My student lives less than two miles from the school but there is a bus stop close to my residence. Can my student use the bus?

Students who live less than two miles from the school will be permitted to ride school buses from existing stops on a “Space Available Only” basis. Students will not be permitted to cross areas designated as Hazardous Walking conditions (per FS 1006.23 or by recommendation of the School Safety Advisory Committee) to get to bus stops. When the bus becomes overcrowded, students who reside within two miles will be removed from the bus. Hazardous Walking Conditions requests will be evaluated by Transportation Services and certified by the School Safety Advisory Committee. Requests that are denied may be appealed to the School Safety Advisory Committee.

How do you measure the distance from home to school?

School bus stops will not be implemented within two miles of a school unless the area qualifies under Florida Statue under 1006.23 Hazardous walking conditions. To the extent possible, school bus stops will be no more than one and one-half miles from the home and the assigned school bus stop. The distance to schools and bus stops will be measured from the closest pedestrian entry point of the property where the student resides to the closest pedestrian entry point of the assigned school building or to the assigned bus stop. The pedestrian entry point of the residence shall be where private property meets the public right-of-way. The district shall determine the shortest pedestrian route whether it is accessible to motor vehicle traffic.

My child’s bus stop is too far from our home. Can a closer stop be added?

School bus stops will not be created within two-tenths of mile from one another except in situations where unsafe conditions exist as determined by the Transportation Department and/or the School Safety Advisory Committee. A school bus route or bus stop will not be moved from an existing location until the Transportation Department has thoroughly investigated the circumstances and approved the relocation.

My child had a bus stop but didn’t ride the bus.  I now need it and no longer see the bus stop on the app. What do I do?

Stops may be removed from bus runs if there are no students using the stop for a period of at least two weeks. Requests for re-instatement of stops must be submitted in the SCPS Portal.

Can my student use two different bus stop?

Students eligible for transportation will ride from and to the same bus stop. Students will not be permitted to ride one bus in the morning and a different bus in the afternoon unless assigned by Transportation Services. Students may not ride from/to different places on different days, unless there is a school-provided court ordered shared custody agreement or parenting plan.  In this case, both parents must reside in the same school zone.

I have submitted a transportation request.  How long will it take to process?

Transportation requests will take 7-10 business days but may take longer during peak times (start of the school year, etc.)

I asked my bus driver to put in a stop at the end of my street. What is my next step?

School bus drivers do not have the authority to make changes in their assigned routes and bus stops. Stop change requests should be made online.

A sexual offender lives in my neighborhood. How is a bus stop created for my students?

Stops must not be within 1,000 feet of the residence of a sexual predator who is under conditional release supervision.

Stops may be within 1,000 feet of the residence of a sexual predator who is released (no longer under Florida Department of Corrections confinement, supervision, or any other court-imposed sanction).

OFFENDER: Someone convicted of a sexual offense. PREDATOR: Repeat sexual offenders, sexual offenders who use physical violence, and sexual offenders who prey on children. SOURCES: F.S. 943.0435 and F.S. 775.21

My child has a disability(ies). What transportation accommodation(s) will my child receive?

If a student requires any type of special accommodations for transportation, to include accommodation for wheelchair, climate-controlled environment, a monitor assigned to the bus, or any other, the accommodation must be listed on the child’s IEP.  The IEP team will be responsible for determining all special accommodations for transportation.

Out-of-zone Transfers

My child was approved for an out of zone transfer. Will they get transportation?

The type of transfer determines if transportation is provided. Many of the transfer options, including Capacity, Maximization, Program of Emphasis, SCPS Employee Student, Controlled Open Enrollment, Academic Year Completion, Pending Move, and Rising 5th, 8th, or 12th Grade Student transfers, do not include transportation.

Diversity transfers include transportation to a limited number of designated schools. Not all Diversity transfers include transportation. Students meeting the two-mile criteria for transportation may be subject to bus rides up to 90 minutes each way and centralized bus stops for approved Diversity transfer students are located within 1.5 miles of a student's residence.

My child was approved for a transfer without transportation. What are my options?

Parents may apply for a Ticket to Ride.  This program offers available seats, if any, at an existing bus stop to transfer students who are otherwise ineligible for transportation. This program does not create a new bus stop or a new bus route.  Students should not apply for a transfer if they are going to be dependent on Ticket to Ride transportation, as a route may be unavailable route and/or the bus may be at capacity. The transportation is subject to availability each year and may not be available in successive years. Families must apply each year.

Magnet Schools & Magnet Programs Transportation

My child has been approved for a magnet program. My bus stop is a long walk from home and they are on the bus too long. What are my options?

Transportation is provided to out-of-zone magnet students who have been approved to attend a magnet school/magnet program and who live farther than two miles from the school/program. Out-of-zone magnet students meeting the two-mile criteria may be subject to bus rides up to 90 minutes each way and centralized bus stops for out-of-zone magnet students are located within 1.5 miles of a student's residence.