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Purchasing & Distribution

How to Do Business With Seminole County Public Schools

Vendors who are interested in doing business with the Seminole County Public Schools must follow one of the following routes:

1. Register with Vendorlink at  VendorLink is a free Internet portal where businesses can register to receive notification of solicitations issued by the District.  All formal solicitations issued by the District are posted to Vendorlink.

**Please note that registering as a vendor in VendorLink does not automatically establish a business relationship with SCPS.  You must complete a vendor application to become an approved, registered vendor.

2. Contact the school or department you would like to work with.  Schools and departments request quotes directly from vendors.

At no time should a vendor submit a vendor application without being contacted by a school, department, or the purchasing team.  Vendor applications submitted without pending business with the District will be rejected.

Important Information