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As a parent, you want to be informed and aware of everything related to your child's academic career. Available below are informational links that will provide some answers to relevant questions you may have pertaining to your child's education.
Access Points Questions and Answers - Access Points are alternate achievement standards built to target the salient content of the Florida Standards. They are designed to contribute to a fully aligned system of content, instruction, and assessment that focuses on knowledge and skills needed at each grade level to prepare for the next. Additional questions and answers pertaining to access points are accessible through this link.
Florida Standards Alternate Assessment - All Florida students participate in the state's assessment and accountability system. The Florida Standards Alternate Assessment (FSAA) measures student academic performance on the Access Points (FS-AP) in Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. Access Points reflect the essence or core intent of the standards that apply to all students in the same grade, but at reduced levels of complexity. Student performance is assessed at three levels of complexity.
Parent Resources - When you visit this link, the resources listed below are available with more detailed information and easy access to their individual websites.
Acronyms and Abbreviations - Florida Department of Education - Florida Department of Education Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services Last Updated: 1/26/18.
Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) - works in partnership with local communities and private providers to assist people who have developmental disabilities and their families. APD is the state agency that administers the Developmental Disabilities and Family and Supported Living Waivers, and the Consumer Directed Care.
Resource Directory - maintained by APD as an informational service to help individuals with disabilities learn about available resources and organizations in their community.
Bright Feats - this directory contains a list of medical providers and commercial businesses that are helpful to families with children of ranging abilities. Research and referrals ensure this listing continues to be a useful source of information for those interested in the well-being of children with disabilities.
CARD's - its primary service is to provide individualized, direct consultative assistance to individuals with autism and related disabilities in Central Florida and their families.
Central Florida Parent Center, Inc. (CFPC) - a non-profit organization that provides parents of children and young adults with all disabilities and special needs (ages 0-26) in central and northeast Florida with accurate information, interactive training, quality assistance, and empathetic support.
Children's Medical Services (CMS) - this program provides children with special health care needs with a family centered, managed system of care. Children with special health care needs are those children under age 21 whose serious or chronic physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional conditions require extensive preventive and maintenance care beyond that required by typically healthy children.
Florida Developmental Disabilities Resources Website - designed as a public reporting resource for individuals with developmental disabilities living in or moving to the State of Florida.
Disability Rights Florida - authorized by federally mandated programs to help protect the legal, human and civil rights of individuals with disabilities. Disability Rights Florida provides information on Tier Notices and what to do if you disagree with your Tier Assignment.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) - a state agency that provides job training and employment services for eligible persons with disabilities. If you are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for your disability, you are presumed eligible for VR services if you intend to secure employment.
Family Network on Disabilities (FND) - a national network of individuals of all ages who may be at-risk, have disabilities, or have special needs and their families, professionals, and concerned citizens.
Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources - Parent Services
Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) - provides support services to educators, families of students with exceptionalities, and community agencies through Florida. Centers are part of the public school systems and serve from one to nine counties. Each center provides services in the four areas of Child Find, Human Resources Development, Parent Services and Technology.