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To be eligible to participate in Seminole County Public Schools' Voluntary Pre-K program your child must be 4 years of age by September 1 of the school year in which he or she would enroll, and you must reside in Seminole County.

General Information

Parents may choose a free 3-hour VPK Program, either AM or PM, or a full day program if full day care is needed.

For the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school year, $360 per month is charged for students to stay until the end of the school day. Extended hours beyond the school day is available through the SCPS KidZone program.

VPK classrooms are located in every elementary school in the district (except for Hamilton Elementary), and the Early Learning Center, located in Sanford. Students must reside in Seminole County. Transportation is not provided.

The State of Florida provides for 540 hours of instruction during the school year OR 300 hours of instruction during the summer.

The VPK Program is aligned to the 2017 Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards for Four-year-olds.

VPK registration is completely online. See the enrollment section for complete details. Individual schools do not register for VPK.

The staff/student ratio is 11:1 and all classrooms are capped at 20 students. VPK classes are staffed with a VPK Facilitator and an assistant who serves as a teaching partner. VPK Facilitators hold a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or higher in Early Childhood Education.

Several district resource teachers support the program by writing countywide lesson plans and assisting in their implementation in the classrooms.

Program Goals

  • To help prepare children for success in kindergarten by focusing on skills in the areas of early reading, writing, and math as well as in problem solving and working with others.

  • To provide opportunities that will enable children to grow in all areas of development including social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and aesthetic.

  • To instill a love of reading and writing to promote early literacy.

  • To improve social skills through appropriate role modeling and mentoring.

  • To develop close relationships with families in order to encourage a positive attitude toward school and life-long learning.


SCPS VPK uses state-approved curriculum (Frog Street Press) that addresses all areas of a child's social, physical, emotional and intellectual development. It is supported in a responsive classroom setting, which encourages student independence and promotes critical thinking and problem solving. The curriculum is aligned with the Florida Department of Education's Office of Early Learning (OEL) Early Learning and Developmental Standards for Four Year Olds.

Additional VPK Information

Florida Department of Education's Office of Early Learning VPK Facts
The Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program prepares early learners for success in kindergarten and beyond.

VPK Specialized Instructional Services (VPK SIS)
Florida's Voluntary Prekindergarten Specialized Instructional Services (VPK SIS) education program is a new option for parents of 4-year-old children with disabilities that is available outside the traditional VPK classroom setting.

SCPS VPK Program Options
Parents may choose a 3-hour VPK Program, either AM or PM, OR a full day program if full day care is needed. There is no charge for the half day program. The charge for the full day program for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school year is $360/month. Extended day services are offered through SCPS KidZone.