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Assessment and Accountability department.The primary objective of the Department of Assessment & Accountability is to preserve the integrity of all student achievement data and to provide that data in a timely manner to be used for a variety of educational decision-making purposes.

To ensure that student and school academic performance information is accurate, clear, and meaningful to all students, parents, educators, and community members, we provide training for, and the coordination of, all state and federally mandated student assessment programs.

Additionally, we offer such services as data collection, analysis, assessment and interpretation, and the generation of reports for schools and other instructional groups.

Please visit our site often for the latest in test score information, accountability system updates, and links to other useful sites.


Seminole County Public School (SCPS) District Results file will provide a summary of students scoring at Level 1 and 2 on the FSA English Language Arts (ELA), students retained (not promoted) in Grades 3-10, and the number of students promoted for good cause (by category exemption).

Florida law requires Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) and all SCPS students to participate in the statewide, standardized assessment program. Specifically, Section 1008.22(3), F.S., states, "Participation in the assessment program is mandatory for all school districts and all students attending public schools, including students seeking a standard high school diploma under s.1003.4282 and students in Department of Juvenile Justice education programs, except as otherwise provided by law..." SCPS will fully comply with Florida law.