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Looking for good books to read? Think about finding a book from the following resources!
The Seminole County Public Library has grade level lists of books recommended by their librarians.
The Seminole County Public Library also has wonderful reading programs including story-time, online events, and access to eBooks/videos.
Seminole County Public Library Branch Locations
Parents and students can apply for a Seminole County Public Library card online. Visit their library card webpage for more information: Seminole County Public Library Cards
The Seminole County Public Library's Summer Reading Program begins on May 25th. The library is offering several summer events to support reading. Visit the Special Events for Kids webpage for events at your neighborhood library. We hope to see SCPS students at the library this summer! Questions? Contact Youth Services Sr. Librarian Sara White ( ) or visit their website.
The Sunshine State Young Readers Award nominates books, 15 Titles for grades 3-5 and 15 titles for grades 6-8, to promote reading for enjoyment to students. The Sunshine State Young Readers Award (SSYRA) program is co-sponsored by the Office of Library Media and the Florida Association for Media in Education (FAME). This reading motivation program for students in grades 3-8 is designed to nurture lifelong readers who will continue to read for information needs and personal pleasure.
The Sunshine State Young Readers Award Jr. books are for primary students and emerging readers in grades PreK-2.
Florida Teens Read "The reading list is comprised of fifteen titles that have been chosen by a committee of twelve school librarians specifically to engage high school students (grades 9 through 12) in reading and reflect their interests as well as represent a variety of genres, formats, reading levels, viewpoints, and ethnic and cultural perspectives."
Go to the Scholastic Summer Reading Project to study an author who celebrates a summer birthday.