The SCPS Instructional Resources Department is proud to provide equitable access to quality instructional materials to support the teaching and learning of the Florida Standards. We facilitate instructional materials purchases for core subjects, dual enrollment courses, and digital research and reading resources for students and teachers. Ongoing professional development is provided to teachers for core instructional materials and digital resources.
Library Media Services
We provide support for school library media programs, district-wide circulation, cataloging, and library management software.
The SCPS Library Media and Instructional Resources Procedures Manual details policies and procedures for instructional resources and library collection analysis and development.
Does your school library need a refresh? Learn how we can support your school library!
Surplus services are available to schools for off-adoption textbooks and library materials. Textbook Warehouse provides our district with services to recycle or sell off-adoption, outdated, or damaged textbook and library books. The monies earned from recycling or selling materials is used to purchase new instructional materials for students.