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Building Code Administrator
Florida Building Code (FBC 2023 - 8th Edition)
Information, Documents & Forms For Obtaining Building Permits
Effective September 1, 2022, all projects constructed throughout the District shall comply with the requirements of the most current edition of the Florida Building Code and National Fire Prevention Code. Projects that involve the construction, enlargement, alteration, repair or demolition of District facilities shall be permitted in accordance with the FBC. The information below will assist administrators, design professionals and contractors in implementing the new permitting process. WHEN SUBMITTING A PERMIT APPLICATION PLEASE INCLUDE THE COST, PROPOSAL OR PURCHASE ORDER.
Seminole County Public Schools Florida Building Code Implementation Procedures and Standards (.pdf file, 1.07MB)
General information (especially useful for design professionals) in preparing construction documents, permit applications and affidavits on SCPS construction projects. Includes the School Board Policy FE for "Approval of Facilities Repairs, Renovations, Remodeling, and Construction".
Guide For Campus Administrators in Obtaining Building Permits (.pdf file, 23.6KB)
Information for school administrators explaining the procedures in applying for building permits under the new Florida Building Code. Describes representative projects requiring permits and lists (FAQ) frequently asked questions regarding the District's program to implement the FBC.
SCPS Permit Forms and Documents