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Project Management

The Project Management section oversees all Major Capital Outlay projects approved by the School Board to undertake the District's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. Presently funding for the Capital Budget includes Sales Tax, 1.5 Mil (Property Tax), Debt Service, and Impact Fees. Each Project Manager assists an assigned number of schools in identifying capital improvement needs and develops the scope of work for new construction, renovation, and remodeling projects. Owner's Construction Representatives provide on-site representation and inspection services for all construction projects. These personnel play an integral role in overseeing the design phase with the outside professional hired by the district for design criteria compliance, constructability and value engineering reviews. For the fiscal year beginning July 2016, the section managed over $85 million in active design and construction projects. The capital improvement plan and active projects include both comprehensive existing facility upgrades to provide 21st Century learning environments and new capacity additions and campuses to address enrollment growth needs. This balance between new schools and existing schools is designed to maintain equity in educational program opportunities throughout the District and to maximize facility efficiency and utilization.

Sales Tax Program

Design Standards - 8th Edition