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Welcome to the SCPS Financial Reporting and Fiscal Transparency page. On this page you will find links to all the District's budgets and financial reports, as well as other reports, data, and information about how we allocate and utilize resources to support our educational programs and operations. In addition, we provide links to other sources of fiscal information about our schools.
Fiscal responsibility and proper stewardship of public funds are critical elements of student program support. The District's goals include (1) making sure that funds are properly and efficiently spent; (2) optimizing return on investment for idle funds; (3) maintaining accurate books and records; and (4) supporting the District's compliance with laws, rules, and generally accepted accounting principles.
Financial Reports
The District publishes a number of regular reports, which you can access by clicking on the links or icons below. Here is a short description of each type of document:
Annual Budget - The District publishes a Preliminary, Tentative, and Final budget each year. Each Budget outlines the anticipated revenues and appropriations for the current fiscal period (July - June 30). The schedule for the budgeting process follows the Florida Department of Revenue's Truth In Millage (TRIM) Compliance Workbook for School Districts. The Final Annual Budget is published in early September each year.
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report - The Comprehensive AFR provides the audited financial statements along with supplemental information (such as Management's Discussion and Analysis and multi-year statistical comparisons), which show the results of the District's operations and changes in fund balances and financial position for the immediately preceding fiscal year. The Comprehensive AFR is typically published in November or December each year.
Annual Financial Report (AFR) Expenditures per Unweighted Full-Time Equivalent (UFTE) - This one-page report is prepared by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) each year to summarize the ratio of expenditures to UFTE, which is a defined measure used to represent students, for each School District in Florida. The FLDOE uses expenditure data from the District's AFR-an annual financial report required by the FLDOE that contains much of the same information as the Comprehensive AFR, but is unaudited.
Lottery Funds Report - This special report is prepared quarterly to show how much funding is provided to the District from the Florida Lottery Fund for Education and how those funds are used.
Fiscal Transparency
Since the Florida Transparency Act was signed into law in 2009, the Florida legislature has undertaken several initiatives to make information about government finances, including School District finances, transparent to the public. Below are links to data and tools you can use to gain a fuller understanding of the District's finances in relation to those of other school Districts and government agencies:
The FLDOE developed Florida's Value-Added Model (VAM) as a tool to use in measuring the impact schools and teachers have on their students' learning growth.
This site provides access to reports that each school district in Florida must provide to the FLDOE, including: Program Cost Reports, Annual Financial Reports, and School District Budgets for every school District in Florida.
Florida School Accountability Reports
This link will take you to the FLDOE's School Grades Report Cards (and historic data in School Public Accountability Reports). School Grades are intended to provide an easily understandable way to measure the performance of a school and how well each school is serving its students. Schools are graded A, B, C, D, or F.
The Transparency Florida website provides information on every appropriation found in the General Appropriation Act for each branch of state government and state agency. The data includes expenditures, appropriations adjustments, the status of spending authority for each appropriation, and position and rate information on state employees.
Related Links
Seminole County Public Schools Statistical Data
Click on this link to see interactive statistical data for each of our schools and for the District as a whole. When following the link, please select a school using the dropdown menu under "School Name" on the left.
Seminole County Public Schools - Individual School Financial Information
Click through to a listing of our schools and links to their individual school websites. Each school site provides links to the following information: School Budget, School Financial Report, School Improvement Plan, and Internal Accounts reports (monies collected and disbursed by each school through fundraisers and other student related extracurricular and co-curricular activities).
SCPS Finance and Budget Department
Contact the Finance and Budget Department for more information about financial reporting and fiscal transparency.
Florida Department of Revenue Truth In Millage
The following graph shows Fund Balance by Classification for the General Fund by fiscal year as presented on the graph. The fund balance classifications are:
Nonspendable fund balance classification includes amounts that cannot be spent because they are either (a) not in spendable form or (b) legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. The "not in spendable form" criterion includes items that are not expected to be converted to cash, for example, inventories and prepaid amounts.
Restricted fund balance are unspent balances in federal, state, and local grant programs that are restricted by external authorities for specific purposes.
Assigned for Contract Commitments - The amount needed to pay the balance of outstanding purchase orders
Assigned for Carryover Appropriations - The unspent balances in specific programs that carry forward due to internal policy rather than external requirements, e.g. school non‐salary budgets
Assigned for Projected Operating Deficit - To cover the subsequent year's operating deficit due to excess of recuring appropriations over revenues
Assigned for Specific Purpose - Amount constrained by the School Board intended for a specific purpose.
Unassigned fund balance is any remaining fund balance not assigned, committed or restricted for other purposes.