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Mental Health

Seminole County Public Schools is dedicated to the physical and mental wellness of all students. Seminole County Public Schools provides mental health services through school psychologists, school social workers, and district mental health counselors.

Elementary Required Instruction in Human Trafficking

State Statute 6A-1.09414 Required Instruction Planning and Reporting says that all elementary aged students in grades Kindergarten through Fifth Grade are required to receive education on the following topics:

  1. Recognition of signs of human trafficking
  2. Awareness of resources, including national, state and local resources
  3. Prevention of the abuse of and addiction to alcohol, nicotine, and drugs
  4. Information on the prevalence, nature, and strategies to reduce the risk of human trafficking, techniques to set healthy boundaries, and how to safely seek assistance
  5. Information on how social media and mobile device applications are used for human trafficking

Our district used the resources provided by the Florida Department of Education to create elementary grade level content.

KG Grade Level - Human Trafficking Instruction (pdf)
1st Grade Level - Human Trafficking Instruction (pdf)
2nd Grade Level- Human Trafficking Instruction (pdf) 
3rd Grade Level - Human Trafficking Instruction (pdf)
4th Grade Level - Human Trafficking Instruction (pdf)
5th Grade Level - Human Trafficking Instruction (pdf)

Resiliency Education for Secondary

6th  Grade Level - Resiliency Education- 6th Grade (pdf)
7th Grade Level -  Resiliency Education- 7th Grade (pdf)
8th Grade Level -  Resiliency Education- 8th Grade (pdf)
9th Grade Level -  Resiliency Education- 9th Grade (pdf)
10th Grade Level  - Resiliency Education- 10th Grade (pdf)
11th Grade Level -  Resiliency Education- 11th Grade (pdf)
12th Grade Level -  Resiliency Education- 12th Grade (pdf)

Parent Mental Health Web Series

A web series on topics related to mental health and how you can support your child while also supporting yourself.

We are interested in hearing from YOU about what you'd like to see more of! Please consider filling out this Google Form to provide feedback

Previous Series

To view previous web series presentations, please visit the Web Series Archive.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my student is experiencing a mental health concern?

Look for

  • Changes in mood or behavior
  • Reports of anxiety or excessive worry
  • Feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  • Lack of interest in activities
  • Difficulty concentrating or completing tasks
  • Changes in sleep or eating
  • Isolating themselves from family and peers
  • Conflict with other students or adults in their life
  • Impact on their performance at school or extracurricular activities

What are some steps can I take if I am concerned my student has mental health concern?

  • Talk to your child's pediatrician about your concerns
  • Notify your student's school counselor of these concerns.
  • Contact SCPS' Mental Health Program Specialist at 407-320-2232

What supports does SCPS have that can support my student?

  • School Counselors: School Counselors can help refer students to appropriate internal and community resources. They are also available for crisis intervention and support.
  • School Psychologists: School psychologists provide direct support and interventions to students, consult with teachers, families, and other school-employed mental health professionals (i.e., school counselors, school social workers) to improve support strategies, work with school administrators to improve school-wide practices and policies, and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services.
  • School Social Workers: School social workers can assist a family in accessing community resources for a variety of needs including housing, food, clothing, and medical needs. They also are able to meet with students one on one or in groups to provide counseling services related to educational goals.
  • District Mental Health Counselors: The District Mental Health Counselors are available to help family's navigate mental health needs including connecting families to mental health supports in the community. They are also available to provide one on one counseling for students who are appropriate for school-based services.

SCPS Tiered Continuum of Mental Health Supports (pdf)

SCPS Local Resources (pdf)


CDC Children's Mental Health

The Children's Cabinet of Seminole County Resource Directory

P3 Campus App - An anonymous tip reporting solution designed specifically for the educational community. Report about a wide range of concerns, from mental health issues to threats of violence through the P3 Campus mobile app or through any web browser at

2021-2022 Seminole County Mental Health Plan

Per Florida Statue 1003.42, all secondary students are required to partake in five hours of mental health education. View Seminole County Public Schools' curriculum.

Florida Statue 1003.42