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Community Involvement

Community Involvement offers many opportunities to bring the community and our Seminole County Public Schools together. Whether you are a business interested in supporting a school or program, a parent interested in volunteering your time, or a member of our community interested in supporting teachers and students, we welcome you! In addition to offering a service to our teachers and support to student success, community volunteers learn more about our district schools and their impact on our community, the unique programs offered across the county, and the impact of supporting education and opportunities for our students.

Dividends volunteers, our largest program, number in the thousands each year and offer hundreds of thousands of hours in service to support our students and teachers. There are many district-wide volunteer programs available in addition to volunteer opportunities unique to some school campuses and classrooms. Training is offered for some Dividend volunteer programs.

Partners in Education is a broad-based program which promotes business involvement in our schools to create connections with partners who can share experience and resources with our students.

Please visit the links below to learn how you can be involved! Contact us if you have additional questions.

Caryn Hinrichs
Manager, Community Involvement
Phone: 407.320.0178

Katie Burris
Staff Assistant, Community Involvement
Phone: 407.320.0179

Lara Haslach
Executive Assistant & RAP Educator
Phone: 407.320.0185

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