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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Dividends School Volunteer! The Dividends School Volunteer Program is a district-wide effort that encourages and promotes community involvement in the Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS).
2024-2025 School Year Registration
Apply Online | Volunteer Guidelines
Please Note: This is not a mobile device application. It is a web based application form that must be completed through your phone browser or desktop browser. (Ex. Safari, Chrome, Edge)
The SCPS Dividends Volunteer application may be completed from your home or school site. Please bring your government issued ID for every SCPS visit. For your FIRST visit, please check-in at the front desk in order to complete your Volunteer profile. For all following visits, we have dedicated stand-alone computers at each location that allow you to check yourself into the building by scanning the 2D barcode on the back of your license.
Once you have completed your Dividends application, you may receive an approval email from Raptor Technologies. This email may go to your clutter file. If you still have questions about the approval of your completed application, you can call your selected district school. The Community Involvement/Dividends office can assist if needed, 407.320.0185 .
Unable to Apply Online
If you cannot apply online, paper applications are available at any district school or at the Educational Support Center. You can also email and request an electronic copy of the application. If you are applying and need to submit a paper application, you will also need to furnish written documentation: written explanation (include year of incident), arrest record, and final disposition. This paperwork will be submitted to the District Professional Standards Committee. We will inform you of their decision. Please contact the Community Involvement/Dividends office at 407.320.0185 for further questions.
Recently Retired Teachers
Retirees seeking to provide civic, charitable, and humanitarian services to the District during the first 12 calendar months following their retirement must meet the criteria listed in Board Policy 9200. Prior to completing a Dividends application, retirees must complete the FRS Retiree Acknowledgment form.
There are some Dividends volunteer functions that require additional clearance and fingerprinting in addition to the Dividends volunteer application:
Mentor - Fingerprint information is provided following Mentor training.
Overnight Chaperone - Email with your name, school name, field trip information and date of activity. Fingerprint information will be emailed to you.
Volunteer Coach - Contact your school Athletic Director for required documents.
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