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The SCPS adoption committees will convene on the below dates to review and recommend instructional materials programs to the School Board of Seminole County Public Schools for implementation in school year 2025-2026.
SCPS hosted a Public Preview Event on October 4, 2024. If you were unable to attend the public preview event and would like to review print materials, please reach out to Dr. Maureen Scanlan to schedule an appointment. You may also review the digital access, which contains all the content of the print materials, by using the link below.
Please follow this link to review the instructional materials programs the committees will consider for District adoption: Public Preview Link
We value your input! Please take time to complete the feedback form for the adoption committee(s) to consider:
Advanced Placement Instructional Materials Program Feedback Form
Advanced Placement Instructional Materials Digital Access for Public Review
We are seeking parent support during our instructional materials adoption committee meetings. If you are interested in participating in this process, please take a minute to complete this form.
For information about FL statutes pertaining to Instructional Materials and the Florida Department of Education Instructional Materials adoption timeline, please visit the Florida Department of Education Instructional Materials site.
Objection to District Adoption Core Instructional Materials:
Please mail completed form to:
Maureen Scanlan
Educational Support Center
400 East Lake Mary Boulevard
Sanford, FL 32773
Scan and email completed form to:
For questions, please contact:
Dr. Maureen I. Scanlan, Coordinator of Instructional Projects
Office: 407-320-0161