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Seminole County Public School students and staff have access to a variety of digital resources below. Students and staff can access these resources by logging into the The Portal and clicking "Library Links".
Overview of SCPS Library Links
EBSCO Explora - With Explora, students can discover reliable information on thousands of topics covering a wide range of subjects including art and music, literature, language arts, geography, history, social studies, world cultures and languages, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health and sports. Visit EBSCO Connect for helpful tutorials.
TumbleBook Library - TumbleBook Library provides interactive digital ebooks, with corresponding readings of the materials in a variety of languages (if desired). These interactive books can be used to supplement reading programs and replace older format audio books.
TeenBook Cloud - TeenBook Cloud offer a robust selection of graphic novels, enhanced novels, eBooks, classic literature, videos, educator resources, and audiobooks for middle and high school students.
TeachingBooks (no logon needed from within district network) - Overview- An author resource website that provides access to pre-recorded interviews with popular authors and links to other materials for book studies. TeachingBooks is a comprehensive site typically used to promote the Sunshine State Young Readers, Florida Teens Read, and the Florida Reading Association children's book award reading incentive programs.
Florida Electronic Library Internet resources such as "Ask a Librarian" provided by the Florida Public Library System.
GALE CENGAGE Learning - These databases are provided free to all districts through the Florida Electronic Library by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, in partnership with the Florida Public Library System. These databases provide access to subscriptions such as the Gale Virtual Reference Library with a variety of ebooks including the Encyclopedia of Small Business and the Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine.
Disclaimer: The appearance of external links (or hyperlinks) on this page does not constitute endorsement by the Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) of linked web sites or the information, products or services contained therein. SCPS is not responsible for the privacy practices, activities, or content of aforementioned sites. For other than authorized activities, SCPS does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at linked locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this web site.