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Pathway Planning K-12

Pathway Planning K-12

School Counselors ensure that all students K-12 are provided with college and career awareness through exploration, appraisal, and advisement. The school counselor's role is to assist students in determining appropriate post-secondary plans based on individual strengths and goals. Post-secondary planning includes consideration of enrollment into higher education or certificate programs, employment directly into the workforce, or enlistment in the military. As part of the SCPS ePathways Department, school counselors have a commitment that all graduates will leave our district with meaningful diplomas and a clear pathway to high-demand, high-wage employment. 

Economic Security Report

Economic security is knowing you have enough money to care for yourself and your family's needs. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity releases the Economic Security Report each year, highlighting the outcomes for students graduating from public postsecondary institutions. This report is sent to students and their families each year beginning in the sixth grade. The report shows how much a person earns based on degree level. It provides information about jobs and future employment. It is an excellent tool to use when making a decision for college. Below are links to the summary and the full report.

Xello - K-12 Career Exploration in SCPS

Xello is Florida’s official, K-12 career planning and work-based learning coordination provider. Xello empowers every student to design a personalized plan for the future by providing a high-quality career development experience that’s modern and visually appealing, interactive, and age-appropriate. These activities help students build self-knowledge, explore their options and create achievable plans. They develop the 21st-century skills needed to thrive in the world of work. It has been professionally translated into Spanish if needed and can support other preferred languages. In the Xello platform, students can:

  • Build personalized profiles to display their interests, skills, and abilities
  • Take career matching assessments to guide and motivate exploration
  •  Explore their options by reviewing career profiles, labor market data, and postsecondary training opportunities
  •  Set both short and long-term goals and track their progress with academic course planning and managing the college application process
  •  Prepare for the world of work by developing a professional resume and creating shareable portfolios, and applying for local work-based learning opportunities
  •  Continually learn, reflect, and re-assess their plans with the support of built-in college and career readiness lessons