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Graduation Assessment Requirements
Florida Statewide Assessments Portal
Per section 1003.4282, Florida Statutes, End of Course (EOC) assessments are required to be calculated as 30% of the students’ final grade(s) in EOC related courses, including EOC Access courses for students with disabilities. It is the responsibility of each district to determine the methodology and implementation of 30% EOC calculation.
Courses with Required End of Course (EOC) Assessments
Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) calculates EOC grades using the quality points (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) associated with the semester letter grade earned in the EOC course and the achievement level associated with the student’s EOC result. The semester grade in an EOC course is based on the quality points associated with the final letter grade.
The grading system is designed to balance the impact of the EOC on the student’s final semester grade and the grades earned by students at the direction and discretion of the teacher.
EOC Course Final Semester Grade Details
While enrolled in the EOC course, students receive grades at the end of each semester and course credit is awarded in high school credited courses*. These grades reflect the letter grades earned in the course without the required 30% EOC portion. Upon receipt of EOC scores, the 30% EOC grade is applied to each semester grade and final semester grades are recalculated. *Middle school Civics courses are not high school credited courses.
Students earning a grade of D in an EOC related course who score a Level 3 or above on the EOC will have the D course grade changed to a P (passing). A grade of P does not impact the student’s grade point average and earns credit in high school courses. Students with grades of P in high school courses may retake the course to replace the grade.
SCPS applies the required 30% grade calculation to the first attempt at the EOC course. The 30% EOC grade calculation is not applied to any subsequent attempts.
Students not participating in the required EOC will have final semester grades, and any applicable high school credit withheld until the student participates in the assessment.
If you have questions or need additional information about SCPS EOC Grading, please click here to contact a member of the Assessment and Accountability Team.