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District Assessments

District Assessments


To accurately gauge and support student learning in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, Seminole County Public Schools will use multiple methods to monitor students' progress toward mastering the BEST benchmarks.

  • Students in grades K-5 utilize iReady or an alternative learning system. These learning systems provide detailed and specific information on the skills that impact each student's progress toward grade level mastery and lessons designed to support each student's growth.
  • Algebra 1 and Geometry courses are not included in the FDOE's FAST progress monitoring system. Progress monitoring in these courses occurs through quarterly benchmark assessments and teacher formative assessments. Results of these assessments will assist in readying students for the state required End of Course exams for these students.
  • Classroom activities aligned to B.E.S.T. benchmarks provide daily opportunities to gather feedback on student progress. These activities are aligned to teacher lesson plans and curriculum frameworks and utilize resources from the newly adopted instructional materials.