College Cost Savings through Industry Certification - Parent Notification
Industry Certification
Students participating in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs can demonstrate their skills to potential employers by earning an industry credential. Many CTE programs provide students the opportunity to earn industry certifications by taking assessments developed by trade associations or industry groups.
Certifications indicate mastery or competency in specific knowledge, skills or processes that can be measured against a set of industry standards. Nearly all of these certifications are nationally recognized as credentials that prepare students for the globally competitive economy.
CAPE Digital Tools Certificates
CAPE Digital Tools certificates recognize middle school students who have obtained skills necessary for their future academic work and careers. Digital Tool certificates are available in areas such as word processing, spreadsheets, multimedia presentations, digital arts, cybersecurity and coding.
Courses such as LEAP Learning Pathways, Exploring Pathways, and Advancing Pathways, developed by SCPS for all middle school students, prepare students for Digital Tools certification, laying a foundation for success in high school CTE programs and future Industry Certifications.