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Career Pathways (High School)

Career Pathways (High School)

A teacher addresses a classroom of students, who are listening attentively.Through Career Pathways, many high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are articulated with Seminole State College (SSC). Teachers from SSC and Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS), along with business and industry representatives, have developed a seamless curriculum that students begin in high school.

Why Choose Career Pathways?

  • Students who earn a 3.0 overall GPA and a 3.5 GPA in the articulated program may qualify for a Florida Bright Futures Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award
  • Assures that students experience a seamless transition from high school to college
  • Seminole State College waives the application fee for articulated students
  • Opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school
  • Blend higher-level technical courses with rigorous academic curriculum
  • Links high school and college programs

After successfully completing the secondary portion of the program and enrolling in SSC, students receive college credit for the high school portion of the program. Students have the opportunity to obtain accurate, first-hand information about specific career paths and workplace success requirements with the inclusion of industry speakers, site visits, job shadowing and internships.

Because all students will go to work at some point in their lives, SCPS believes that students who learn technical skills along with academics will be better prepared for a successful future. SCPS works closely with businesses in Central Florida to ensure that students participate in relevant work-based experiences and to prepare them for both college and industry careers after graduation.

View the Career Pathways brochure.